Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Propaganda Poster

Propaganda is the spreading of ideas, information, or message to convince or influence a large group of people. The Communist Party used propaganda to convince the Russian people that communism is good and improved the lives of the Russians by bringing peace, land, and bread. Propaganda can also be deliberately misleading. Studying propaganda poster from the period of the Russian Revolution can help us learn more about the harsh communist rule and the lives of the Russian people at that time. It can also help us understand what the Russian people felt or thought towards the Soviet Union.

"Only the Soviet system was able to bring real equality of nationalities."

This poster illustrates that only communism will be able to bring peace to Russia. It is trying to convince more people to support communism and the Soviets. Lenin and the Soviet’s symbol of hammer and sickle that is in the background represents the Soviets. Lenin is holding a flower which symbolizes peace. The poster is effective because it illustrates the main point of the message, which is Soviet and peace, very well through the picture of Lenin holding a flower.

"Your work and my work, for the homeland."

This poster’s message is that the every Russian citizen played a part in improving Russia by working hard for the country. It is trying to make Russian people work harder to help improve Russia. The poster conveys its message through its meaningful design. The poster shows a group of worker working. There is also a picture of an improved Russia above the workers’ head. The picture of the hard working people and the future Russia deliver the message well which make the poster effective.

"Our era calls - forward! The five year plan calls - forward!"

This poster’s message is that the Five-Year Plan will help modernize and advance Russia. It is trying to convince more people to support and cooperate in the Five-Year Plan. The picture of the hard working workers represents what the Russian people should be like and the picture above the workers show what Russia would be like if the workers work hard enough. This poster is effective because it is strait to the point and easy to understand.

"To live like Lenin, grow up to become a communist and to bring new fame for the country!"

This poster supports communist especially in the case of Lenin. The poster is trying to convince the youths of Russia to grow up and be like Lenin. To follow Lenin’s path and support communist and maybe one day become the leader of the Soviet Union. The pioneer in the poster represents the youths of Russia. The picture of a teen Lenin is in the background behind the pioneer. The position of the pioneer and Lenin is illustrates that the pioneer looks up to Lenin as a role model.

"We will not allow this to happen again."

The message of this poster is that Stalin’s rule is very harsh. He killed and locked up many thousand of people who opposed him. This poster is trying to show the harsh ruling policies of Stalin. It is convincing people to not let this happen to them again, and to stand up to Stalin or people like him. The illustration of this poster is very meaningful. It’s a picture of Stalin made of prison cells. The poster is so effective, that there is no need to even read the text of this poster to know what it’s about.

"Our Fatherland is in danger: Crisis of economy, Confrontation, Criminality, Separatism."

The message of this poster is that Russia is being torn apart by the problems like crisis of economy, confrontation, criminality, separatism mostly caused by the either the government or the people. The purpose of this poster is to make Russian people unite with each other and stop causing more trouble. The picture of the Soviet being torn apart superbly illustrates the troubled Russian empire under the Soviet rule because of the lingering problems caused by the economic failure, the harsh rule of communism, and the discontent people. The poster is effective because of the significant picture of the torn Soviet flag.

Propaganda is used commonly in Russia especially during the Soviet rule. They used these propaganda posters to convince and influence people to think and act their way. These poster expressed that communism is the only way to bring peace and wealth to the country, the only way to improve Russia. Stalin used propaganda to influence people to think the communist way. Propaganda was also used in media like newspaper, films, and books. Propaganda was also used in school to teach the children to communist way of life. The posters can influence people to support the government’s decision or work harder for the country. So use of propaganda is very wide spread in Russia and very effective.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The 1990s "The Modernization"

This post is to introduce you to the 90s the decade of modernization. Many technological developments is introduced in this century.

Important Events in the 90s

Persian Gulf War: Persian Gulf War was a conflict between Iraq and the United States. It started because of Iraq's invasion on Kuwait on 2 August 1990. On 28 February 1991, President Bush declared a cease-fire. The cease-fire was officially accepted and signed on 6 April 1991.

Official end to cold war
: The cold war was fought between the United States and the Soviet Union from 1940s to 1990s. It is like a race, from technological advancement in space to political powers. On 1 February 1992, Bush and Yeltsin (Russian president) announced official end to the cold war.


Ebola virus spread in Zaire: Ebola virus is filovirus, it is named after the river Zaire which is the place where it is discovered. It only affects monkey, apes, and human. It is classified as a level 4 pathogen, and people that are infected with this virus are expected to die in 7 to 14 days.

Important People of the 90s

Margaret Thatcher: The first and only woman prime minister of the United Kingdom. She was also the longest serving prime minister since Lord Salibury. She became prime minister on 4 May 1979. On 22 November 1990 she resigned from her position.

Princess Diana: She is the Princess of Wales and Prince Charles’ first wife. She is also the mother of the famous royal Prince William and Prince Harry. She married Prince Charles on 29 July 1981 at the St. Paul’s Cathedral. Her marriage with Prince Charles fell apart in the late 80s which they both blamed each other for the cause. They separated on 9 December 1992. After the divorce, she has done a great deal of charity work. She died on 31 August 1997 after being involved in a high speed car accident.

Nelson Mandela
: On 11 February 1990, Nelson Mandela was released from the Victors Verster Prison. After his released from prison he return to his role as leader of the African National Congress and devoted his life to equality and democracy. He succeeded when the country allowed people of every race to vote for an election. Then he became the first black president of South Africa on 10 May 1994.

Important Technological Improvements of the 90s

E-mail: The word email comes from electronic mail. It is invented in the late 90s. It is a used to communicate via the internet by typing.

The PlayStation was produced by Sony Computer Entertainment. It is the fifth generation of video game console. It was

released on September 9, 1995 in the United States. As of March 2005, it has sold up to 100.49 million units.

Famous Musician of 199

Michael Jackson- Commonly known as “King of Pop” is a famous musician from the 1980 to present. Jackson became famous from his album “Thriller” which was the best-selling album of all time. After “Thriller”, Jackson released several albums including “Bad”, “Dangerous”, and “HIStory”.

Famous Book of the 1990s

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone- A famous series about a boy wizard named Harry Potter written by J.K. Rowling. It has 7 books in the whole series. The first book was published 30 June 1997, and the last book of the seri

es has just been released this summer on 21 July 2007. There was also an adaptation from the book to a movie made by Warner Bros.

Important Scientific Discoveries

First cloned sheep- Scientist in Roslin Institute, Scotland cloned Dolly the sheep. Dolly was the first mammal ever to be cloned from an adult cell.

Famous Movie of the 1990s

Titanic- It is the highest grossing film of all time (US $1.8). It also won 11 Academy Awards. The fil

m was directed by James Cameron. It was released on 19 December 1997 in the States, and January 23, 1998 in UK.

Athletes of the 1990s

Michael Jordan- One of the greatest basketball player of all times. He is commonly known as “Air Jordan” or “His Airness” because of his trademark slum dunk. He earned 5 NBA most valuable player, 14 NBA-All Star Team appearances, and 3 All-Star MVP award.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog about modern world history. Most of the topics in this blog will be about the 19th and 20th century.